Do You Love As Christ Commands Us?
by Mom Mabel King
Scriptures to study: Luke 10:27; Mark 1:40-41; 6:34; I Peter 3:8
Jesus commands us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Think about this. Love, the God-kind of love goes much deeper than just a surface acknowledging that we love. It is expressed by compassion, with tenderness and in gentleness. That compassion that says, “I feel what you’re going through. What can I do to help?” It then goes about doing what is necessary in order to bring relief. Compassion, fueled with the God-kind of love, sees the need then goes about to eliminate it. Jesus did just that. He was moved with compassion to teach hundreds and to heal the sick. He is love personified.
Has your love propelled you into compassion, a sense of not only loving but doing? Our Father God wants us to become so drenched in His love and compassion for mankind that we are willing to bear one another’s burdens. Examine situations in your own life. How would you want someone to treat you? Then go about doing the same toward others. Show love and compassion towards them the way you would want love and compassion shown towards you. Whatever you do to others, do it as though you were doing it to God. You will reap what you have sown. It may require a sacrifice on your part, but it will be well worth it all to the person you will bless.
What and how much are you willing to sacrifice for love’s sake? How much for compassion’s sake? God’s love and compassion gave Jesus up to die for us. Jesus’ love and compassion for us saw our need for salvation and gave His life. Ask yourself, Do I Love As Christ Commands Me To? What am I willing to sacrifice? What am I willing to give?